
Design & Production
Diverse Skills For Diverse Clients
Every business has marketing goals and each one needs a custom tailored strategy to achieve those goals. From visuals through to market tactics, we stive to achieve the most productive representations for every client, big or small. Our background goes back 20+ years in the creative industries, serving all types of businesses in all sorts of industries. Ranging from Illustration to graphic design, digital photography to video productions, our experience gives us all the tools we need to reach your goals, all under one roof.
The diversity of our background allows us to serve an equally diverse clientelle. Whether the mission is producing compelling marketing materials or a commision for a full blown marketing and branding campaign, no assignment is too big or too small. We'll can be a simple creative resource for occasional projects, or as an extension of a business in a strategic partnership towards a specific goal. We can act as an extension of an existing creative group, and we can act as a vendor producing a specific portion of your project. We will tailor a strategy that works for you.
Browse through our portfolio, familiarize yourself with our work, and see if we can serve you. As it goes with all artistic matters, not everyone likes the same thing and we know that, but if you find our work to be what you think you need, don't hesitate to contact us.
For Print
Take your graphic design to the next level. Brochures, catalogs and magazine ads are the primary tools for delivering information for almost every business in the world. Have a professional prepare your next graphic design project with the knowledge and experience of 20+ years in the business of creativity. We know how to make your project standout and get noticed.
We can create brochures, catalogs, magazine ads, business packages, promotional mailers and handouts, signage for storefronts and vehicles, corporate presentations and proposals, POS items, posters, calendars, and so much more. Tell us what you need and we will make it happen for you
For Web
Custom Websites
A great website is the best way to create a great impression and customer confidence. Have you ever been reluctant to purchase something for a company that had a bad website? Imagine that this could be happening with your website right now. Many sites look alright to the average viewer. It is only when you compare those sites to the site we produce that one realizes there is no comparison.
Aesthetically we create clean, readable, and navigable sites that deliver our clients' message, with impacting color usage and layouts. From mild to wild we can do it all. We work closely with Sour Lizard Creative Group for their professional programming skills and together we produce graphically intense, highly functional sites for jsut about any business and application.
Mobile Friendly Websites
Today's world of mobile devices means the demand for access to your website is heigher than ever and it;s become necessary for most website to be available to mobile device clients as more than 50% of traffic today is from phones and tablets. We create websites that are activated by the device that is veiwing it and changes to accomodate the respective screen size. The acts like a normal site on a computer and acts more like an app when viewed on a phone or tablet. This is cheaper and more easily updateable than an app for more clients and proves to be a tremndous added value service for our clients.
Branding, Marketing & Advertising
Marketing takes on many forms and we offer a wide variety of marketing applications. Whether you need an entire campaign concept and production, or you need design and production of materials to fit into your existing marketing plan, we can mold our services to your needs. Our flexible structure allows us to tailor a specific plan for every project.
Branding and Advertising compaigns can go in two ways: traditional and slow to effect, or unique and rapid response. The best examples in the history of branding and advertising have chosen the latter as the only option to enormous success for those clients.
Requiring a the ability to envision with clarity, this path is one of well calculated risk. We believe untraditional approaches to branding and advertising are the only worthy offering for our clients. We aren't interested in wasting your time and money on methods that have long been proven inadequate in our modern world.
Our approach for maximum impact is a combination of online, off-line, and experiential processes. Depending on the needs of the respective client, we plug in additional techniques and methods to expand the reach and effect of the campaign.
Services Rundown:
• Printed Collateral Design & Production
• Promotional Materials Design & Production
• Livery Design & Materials Production
• Web Site and Brand Presence Development
• Corporate Identity Development
• Marketing & Branding Campaign Development
• Advertisment Desgin & Production
Video Productions
Powered By Video
Video is to marketing what superpowers are to superheroes. Technologically the internet has evolved tremndously in the last few years and video content is as common as text. It is the leading type of content on the net.
Video is the single most captivating medium every created. It has the power to grab the viewers attention and once captured, immerse them in an indulgent sensory experience. Compared to other forms of delivering information video is unrivaled. In a fraction of the time it takes a viewer to read a page or browse a website, a short, powerful video can deliver in the most complex of ideas.
Inherently these factors make video the most valuable tool for marketing, branding, advertising, and audience building. Packaging your corporate,, brand id, or marketing message, in a creative, well produced video product is the absolute best, dare we say, bang for the buck in marketing and advertising options.
Apply Generously
Corporate Showcase
Once upon a time it was impossible to speak directly to every customer, prospect or audience. Today we live in the age of connectivity and video let's you address your audience in a personable way. Each viewer watching your corporate showcase video will feel like you are speaking directly to them as opposed to be pitched with an advertisement or promotion. Taking this type of more personal approach to reach your audience is far more conduvice to creating trust and brand loyalty over traditonal methods.
Commercials and Informercials have their place and they are effective over the span of a persistent campaign. Ideally it would be more cost effective to have a commercial campaign that did the work of finding an audience on it's own. That is otherwise known as viral marketing on the internet. The way to produce an effective viral campaign is to produce a video commercial that is cleverly disguised as a content production such as a reality show, a humorous gag, an installation walk through, an adventure, or anything that will engage the interest of your target market.
Series Productions
In some cases, producing a series such as a reality show, can be the right tool for branding and audience building. This can be considerably more effective online than on TV. Either way the series concept is a cost effective way to build and maintain and audience if it is applicable. A series should be relavant to what your company produces or services it provides.
Event Videos
In some cases, producing a series such as a reality show, can be the right tool for branding and audience building. This can be considerably more effective online than on TV. Either way the series concept is a cost effective way to build and maintain and audience if it is applicable. A series should be relavant to what your company produces or services it provides.
Traditional Techniques In
A Digital Medium
From illustrated logos to wild, colorful, eye-catching tee-shirts, we can create illustrations for just about any purpose. Great illustration can really enhance your promotional powers because people love art and tend to remember it. We love to produce great art and take pride in our work so you can be assured that your always getting the highest quality and creativity we can produce.

3D CGI Design & Animation
Expression In Three Dimensions
3D CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) is used everywhere these days. More and more 3D Design and Graphics have becoming valueable tools for delivering otherwise difficult or even dull information to consumers and clients in an enormously compelling medium. The enlightenment to the value of 3D Design and Graphics has swept through many more industries than just 10 years ago. Today you might be surprised who is using 3D CGI and how they are using it to improve their businesses and communication with their audiences.
Conceptual Design
Bogdan 'Bo' Asciu is the president and the artist behind BadWerks Studios. He is the son of a wel known editorial cartoonist, has a diverse beckground as a professional artist, skilled in multiple mediums as a fine artist, and he's equally diverse in his life as well.
Products and Personalities
Photography serves many purposes weather it is to produce content for a website or produce product photos for a catalog, or for producing printed materials whether that be promotional materials or informational toosl. Often the benefits of good photography are overlooked. This can result in a poor respresnetation of a product, brand, or personality.
Good photography is not optional when the goal is to convey a message of quality, integrity, and value. We create images that match the goal of the spefic uses the're intended for. They present the product or corporate intention with clarity and honesty. We beleive in the preservation of the craft of photography and so we shoot the shot we want and rely very litte if at all, on digital retouching and correcting.